Friday, March 22, 2013

C Family

This sweet Family I have known for years!
When the youngest two were only 3 and 5 my husband and I were their Sunbeam teachers at Church.
I can't believe how much they have grown! Its even weirder because those are the ages now of my oldest 2....kind of unbelievable! 

Over a year ago there was a tragic work accident and her very young husband was taken from them.
I was so honored when she asked me to take their new family pictures.
He will always be missed.

Here are my favorite from the day

Taylor was hilarious!
He wouldn't smile till I counted to 3 and then each time, without fail, would give me the biggest smile.

This picture we took to recreate his dads Senior Picture, I believe.
It ended up being not the exact same pose, but close enough. Its amazing how much he looks like him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice pictures Aimee!! Seeing their smiles after Alex passsed away is bittersweet!! And they all look beautiful!